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Frequently asked questions

How does Adlib Software handle security and data privacy?

Adlib Software takes security and data privacy very seriously and follows industry best practices to ensure that customer data is protected. This includes encryption of data in transit and at rest, secure data centers, and regular security audits and assessments.Adlib Software is SOC 2 Type 2 and HIPAA certified.

How does Adlib differentiate from other document conversion solutions?

Adlib’s Transform Platform delivers against a deep understanding of Document Management Architecture, that reflects over 20 years of experience and client requirements in the management of unstructured data. Adlib provides enterprises with higher quality output, at scale and with the auditability needed to meet the most rigid requirements of regulated industries.

What is Adlib Software and what does it do?

Adlib Software’s Transform Platform is a document conversion and content intelligence platform that enables organizations to convert unstructured data into “documents of record” so they can manage compliance, operational, audit and regulatory risks. Adlib’s Transform Platform interoperates with content management systems to retrieve documents across multiple formats and implement business rules to create documents of record in PDF format and deliver them back to content management applications. This results in readable-searchable Enterprise Document Repositories that comprise “documents of record” and “critical data elements” that than can be extracted from such repositories.