March 3, 2018

Product Demo: Adlib Integration to EMC Documentum

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Product Demo: Adlib Integration to EMC Documentum

Adlib powers rendering for ADTS and DTS in versions up to 6.7, and has a connector for D7. As a result, users of EMC Documentum can leverage Adlib’s Advanced Rendering technology regardless of which version of Documentum they are using.

Looking under the hood of the Adlib Documentum connector

Adlib can be accessed through the web interface where administrators can see all of the individual components of the Adlib product, such as the engines and system managers. Seeing the status of each of the components is as easy as clicking on the component itself.

The Adlib Documentum connector is a Java-based application that can be configured on Windows and Unix systems, and is also independent of the Documentum user interface so that it can work with earlier and later versions of Documentum.

The Adlib user interface can be customized to create unique menu items necessary for the tasks at hand, so that end users can send either single or multiple files for PDF rendition.

Creating custom settings

In the monitoring section of Adlib, Administrators are able to go through and look at the status of the job which end users have submitted. The Documentum connector can be configured through the System Settings section. The configuration options allow Administrators to easily manage the queues being used, and pull custom or standard metadata directly from Documentum. By leveraging metadata from the Enterprise Content Management system, Adlib is able to automate document enhancements such as watermarks or footers onto the rendered PDFs.

Reporting is also available with Adlib PDF. Administrators can set up reports for Job Time, Success Rate of Conversions, or even Job Volume which can be used to determine if additional servers are necessary. The report data can be exported into Microsoft Excel so that the reports can be shared with executives or the management team.

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See the Adlib Documentum connector in action

Request a product demo to see how Adlib integrates with EMC Documentum. Adlib can convert over 300 file types to high-fidelity PDF directly from within the Documentum UI so that end users can work in a familiar environment. In addition, the Adlib connector provides IT with several customization options so that they can create transformation rules to suit the end users’ requirements.